Be Sure Your Guards Performing To The Best Of Their Ability!
We provide a virtual service where we will remotely supervise your employees for you and report any unwanted behavior to the person you designate. Our virtual security guards will tour your facility on a randomized schedule so your employees will never know when they are or are not being monitored.
Flexable Monitoring Options
Our virtual guards will audit their activity for between one to five hours each day broken into multiple and random audit sessions. During this time we will report any unwanted activity to the designated person. The Designated person(s) will receive automated emails instantly reporting this unwanted activity which includes the date, time and type of infraction and when requested we will provide a video clip of the event as well.
Your employees will not know when they are being monitored. You will get better performance from your employees and your clients will be more satisfied with the service you provide.
Our Virtual Road Captains are licensed and highly trained security guards. Remotely supervise your employees We tour your facility on a randomized schedule We report any unwanted activity to the designated person Automated emails instantly reporting this unwanted activity Get better performance from your employees