Retail Video Monitoring
Keeping a watch for shoplifters, theft and more! Making sure shoppers are having a safe and pleasant experience shopping with you.
Retail Video Monitoring
Keeping a watch for shoplifters, theft and more! Making sure shoppers are having a safe and pleasant experience shopping with you.
Retail theft is responsible for billions of dollars in losses every year in the United States. This isn’t because retailers are lazy or aren’t paying attention, there’s just simply too many things to consider when running a successful retail business to concern yourself with security 24/7.
Unfortunately, this often means that security cameras are left to be manned and monitored by people without extensive professional training, if they’re being monitored at all. With inneffective solutions like this in place, it is no wonder that retail related crime has risen so sharply in recent years.
Reports of organized retail crimes, those perpetrated by multiple individuals who target specific, high priced items to steal and then resell back into the market for profit, have risen dramatically as of late.
This sad fact combined with the ordinary instances of regular theft, inventory mistakes, damaged good, and return fraud, highlights the need for heightened retail security in this day and age. Fortunately, you don’t need to face dangers of today’s daunting retail landscape alone.
Digital Security Guard is here to help! Licensed security guards are trained to know exactly what to look for and will avert many crimes that go unnoticed until inventory is done much later down the road.
Inventory loss, whether by customer shoplifting or employee theft, is a major concern for retailers of all kinds and is the predominant reason that such extensive security measures are required in retail stores, to say nothing of the possible risks of fire, water damage, and other natural occurrences.
To make matters worse, retailers no longer have to simply worry about a rambunctious child putting something in their pocket when their parent isn’t looking - things have become far, far more serious for the retail community in recent years.
Get A Free Retail Video Monitoring Quote
Call today and speak with a security expert!
Fortunately, the trained and certified security professionals at Digital Security Guard are here to monitor your business for you and provide 24/7 surveillance for your business! Our diligent security professionals are trained to immediately alert the proper authorities in the fastest response time possible, no matter what issue your business may be dealing with.
If a shoplifter does manage to get away, our analytics can pinpoint pertinent footage that can be used to obtain a conviction and have retrieve your goods. Either way, Digital Security Guard is looking out for you and your retail business. Contact us today to take your security profile to the next level! Security Guard services by Digital Security Guard will take your security to the apex level.