Remote Virtual Security Service
You might ask yourself why you need a Remote Virtual Security Service if you already have someone hired to do it on-site or your building isn’t all that large. There are a few things you may want to consider when it comes to crime prevention. After all, most crimes end up being reported after they are committed, which means it might be too and valuable property may have been taken or damaged. Our specialists are trained to alert authorities or sound an alarm in order to provide emergency response in as little time as possible.
Whether you own a business or a home, a Remote Virtual Security Service might be the right service for you to aid you in remote security monitoring and crime prevention. Digital Security Guard might be your answer to prevent break-ins, deter crime, and minimize risk or property damage. In fact, there are a handful of different businesses and locations we have provided Remote Virtual Security for, included, but certainly not limited to, construction sites, retail businesses and shops, and parking lots.
Our remote surveillance services also increase employee productivity since your non-security staff can focus on more business-oriented tasks suited to their expertise and leave the security to our professionals.
The services we offer:
- Two-way audio alerts
- employee supervision
- monitoring of opening and closing business activities
- remote access control for secure entry and exit
- Advanced Video Analytics
- 4k Ultra HD resolution
- security reporting
- Security Camera System Design
- Security Dealer Service Strategies
Now, if your onsite security is only one person or a handful of people, you can imagine the limitations of how many places they can be in at once. We can provide more visibility over your property, ensuring that more criminal activity and emergencies can be prevented when caught sooner rather than later.
Digital Security Guard is equipped to handle almost any situation that may arise by providing Remote Virtual Security, and live monitoring, from your camera system as well and offer a complete staff of trained security guards based out of our central location in Boca Raton, Florida.
We provide security and emergency response services from a few hours a day to twenty-four a day, 7 days a week security. Our trained staff is licensed and equipped to know exactly what to look out for and know what is needed to keep you safe. Call us for a consultation so we may help you with your particular security needs and recommend the right equipment you will need to enhance the experience.
Our Number: 800-829-7459
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