Digital Security Guard – Total Security!
Digital Security guard is the number one provider of remote security services designed to complement and complete your existing security solutions and provide total security! The main reasons for this service, and the need for it, are to fill in the gaps that are too difficult or costly to cover by traditional security measures. Digital Security guard works in addition to existing on-site security tools to enhance that security to a whole new level of security protection. First, it’s important to understand what these gaps in the traditional security options are, and then how Digital Security Guard provides solutions to these issues.
In order for a service like the one provided by the Digital security guard to work you still need to employ proper local security measures, so we’re not saying your current security solutions are obsolete. So for example this includes but is not limited to alarm systems, closed-circuit television systems (aka security cameras), on-site personnel, and access control such as gates, and automated locks.
Digital Security Guard works in tandem with the aforementioned security components, particularly your CCTV system. This is because the CCTV system itself is imperfectly capable of recognizing threats in advance. In addition, local security guards can not be expected to handle more than one task at a time, and so it’s good to have extra eyes. CCTV can record footage for you, and even provide some level of alert but not in real-time enough to prevent or stop issues. Security personnel who are on-site do their best, but simply cannot be in all places at once. Alarm systems have a regulated process for contracting authorities which usually involved contacting you first to discuss the possible incident, then permission is given to alert police. This causes delays between events and police assistance by a substantial amount. This is where a digital security service, like the one offered by Digital Security Guard, comes into play.
Digital security guard offers a virtuals security service that is a combination of the efforts of highly trained security agents and analytical equipment. We can monitor your location’s cameras 24 hours a day, seven days a week to keep an eye on your property in a way no other live guard can. Our state-of-the-art analytical tech can predict when incidents are going to occur and in real-time alert you or the authorities to these issues, as well as on-site personnel. This frees up local security staff to handle incidents or take care of employee access needs on-site without worrying they may miss a critical moment on the CCTV system. Rather than leaving your property and personnel’s security up to fate, contact DSG today to learn more about how we can get you protected today!
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Our Number: 800-829-7459