Enhanced Security with Digital Security Guard
Digital Security Guard can provide your location with enhanced security, utilizing the existing CCTV hardware on-site. DSG is a virtual or remote security service that can provide your location with a greatly enhanced security platform. There are a plethora of great reasons to obtain virtual security services operating and monitoring the security systems on-site at your location. This could be for residential purposes but more often than not is for businesses that need constant surveillance. More than your local options alone, remote security providers like DSG will give you and your team peace of mind by filling out gaps in your current situation.
Our staff is highly trained in CCTV monitoring techniques and is additionally armed with the tools to operate your unique system’s most advanced features. They do this alongside digital security monitoring software that employs powerful analytics and algorithms to detect and indicate possible incidents or threats faster than ever before. Unlike on-site personnel who reasonably so, is often distracted by dealing with one issue at a time, DSG can alert you, and the authorities faster than on-site personnel can. Additionally, agents can act as Gate-Guards as well- providing access in and out of facilities completely remotely. Read on to learn even more great reasons to have virtual security services
It used to be that only on-site personnel had access to CCTV viewing, creating serious limitations for how well this technology can protect you in a proactive sense. Security guards on-site have multiple responsibilities they have to adhere to. Often this means checking the identification and credentials of those wishing to enter or leave any given location. It also might mean actively monitoring multiple video surveillance monitors by themselves, while also having to leave the video monitoring area to handle basic personal needs, or respond directly to incidents that may occur at the location without warning. What this means at its simplest is that security personnel, even the best-trained personnel in the business, have physical limitations that can only be circumvented by hiring more personnel. This can get costly and may not resolve all security gaps. Due to these limitations and gaps, the industry has expanded to now offering remote services that can help eliminate many of these issues.
as you can clearly see, there are almost too many reasons to have virtual security services to count. The most obvious of which is safer, and faster security responses. Additionally, you will see far fewer false alarms, as more attention to detail is paid to potential incidents. Your on-site staff can be more productive as well since they won’t have to focus on dealing with every single potential security threat and will be able to focus on direct tasks. You may also be able to save money on staffing in general, simply not having to hire as many on-site security staff, to begin with. Many organizations such as schools, hospitals, warehouses, or government installations already rely on Remote Virtual Monitoring to handle their security needs. For a quote, and more information give Digital Security guard a call today at 800-829-7459
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