Maintaining complete protection for perimeter security is an integral part of ensuring your property is safe from threats. In the past, it was difficult to do accomplish this at a high level. Fortunately, now live remote video monitoring can integrate advanced intelligent video analytics to detect threats before an event occurs.
Remote guarding itself is already becoming the preferred way to monitor businesses and commercial properties. Unlike the costly expense for employing on-site security guards, live remote video monitoring combines the training and effectiveness of professional guards with the latest in surveillance technologies. When used together, perimeter security can be achieved in a proactive manner.
Benefits of Remote Perimeter Security
It’s common knowledge that a video surveillance system is a necessary investment for business owners and commercial property managers. However, having security cameras in place is not nearly as effective as it once was. And even if you do employee private security guards, there are still limitations that cause them to be more of an expensive accessory than an actual asset.
The benefits of live remote video monitoring for perimeter security include:
- Faster threat alerts to detect events before they occur
- Advanced video analytics can detect suspicious activities overlooked by guards
- Increasing the overall effectiveness of the security plan in place
- 24/7 monitoring without any breaks
- Using audio for threat deterrence
- Improving emergency response time during verified incidents
One other huge advantage of adopting live remote video monitoring for perimeter security is the reduction in false alarms. False alarms make up the vast majority of all alerts and usually have to be verified by a guard before any response is dispatched. With intelligent video analytics for more accurate alerting, emergency response times are improved.
How Live Remote Video Monitoring Works
In live remote video monitoring, a team of security guards is stationed in a central location away from the property or building being secured. The remote guarding team accesses the live security camera feeds from their location while the data is being analyzed by video analytics software. Any suspicious event alerts the remote guards to the incident, where they use their professional training to identify and enact the most appropriate response.
Live remote video monitoring is commonly used for perimeter security and surveillance across multiple industries. It’s a well-known solution for such settings as construction sites, retail stores, parking garages, airports, gated communities, apartment complexes, and many more. If you’re interested in speaking with a professional security company regarding the cost of having a live remote video monitoring solution in place, contact Digital Security Guard for a free video monitoring assessment.